Mesquite Martial Arts Academy
540 Clay Mathis Rd.
The Character-Building, Life-Changing Program for Your Child
Class Schedule,
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We have Age-Specific Classes to help Your Child reach their Greatest Potential. 

We've been teaching children just like yours for over 30 years. In that time, we've learned a thing or two about how children learn. First and foremost, children always do best when they are learning with others in their same age bracket. For this reason, our children’s classes are separated into 4 different age groups. This helps to ensure that your child is getting the type of training that is appropriate for their level of coordination and comprehension.
“Healthy and Safe” doesn't have to be dull and boring. Our Martial Arts classes are filled with Healthy & Safe activities for your child. And yes, they are Fun as well. And don’t forget, the children are actually “Learning” something that will greatly benefit their lives.
Our Instructor’s Motto:
We do not follow the militant and abrasive format used by many martial arts schools. We believe that Positive Reinforcement is essential to achieve Positive Results. Our instructors are Patient and Motivational, and truly care about the character and progress of each and every student.
Age Specific Classes Ensure Your Child Receives the Best Experience.

This is the “Pre-K” of the Martial Arts. Fun & Exciting activities help develop gross motor skills. Kids love this class and their parents love the positive activity.

Considered to be the “Kindergarten” of the Martial Arts, these kids love problem solving and physical challenges of balance, coordination and Memory.

This age group loves a challenge when it comes to learning new skill sets and developing high performance skills. Parents love the positive messages.

That difficult age between childhood and adulthood. This class allows the students a place of acceptance and growth, and helps them navigate life’s challenges.