Our Adult Martial Arts program is a great way to get into, and stay in, great shape. Every class is energetic, fun and safe. You don't have to be in Great Shape to Begin, you just have to Begin, to be in Great Shape!
No matter what challenges you have faced throughout the day, once you step onto the mat you can let it all fade away and focus just on “you.” The high-energy workouts and the focus on learning and perfecting the martial arts movements will take the place of daily stress.
Our Martial Arts program teaches “Real” Self-Defense tactics against real-world situations. This is not the acrobatic movements you may have seen in the movies, nor is it the antiquated and traditional movements you may be thinking of from traditional martial arts. The movements that we teach for self-defense are easy to learn, practical in application and very effective when it comes to protecting yourself and/or your loved ones.
Our philosophy is to avoid a threating situation if possible, but be absolutely prepared, mentally and physically, for a physical confrontation if there are no other options.